Video Advertisement Inside the Auto-Rickshaw

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What is Auto-Rickshaw Video Advertising?

Rickshawpedia, an auto-rickshaw video advertising startup, works on video advertisement inside the auto-rickshaw. Auto-Rickshaw is utilized by everyone from office employees and tourists to housewives and schoolchildren and considered the most popular mode of transportation in India. But despite being present in almost every village, town, and city, the auto-rickshaw's advertising potential has not been fully realized.

It was created to make traveling by auto-rickshaw more enjoyable. Users can get the greatest discounts in and around the area, watch something entertaining while traveling, and more with the location-tracking function. This platform allows advertisers and companies to target customers according to their preferences. Intelligent targeting, campaign management, cutting-edge analytics, hyperlocal listing, quick call to action, etc. are among the features. You can select a plan as per your needs.


The 10 inches of device will be inserted inside the auto rickshaw where people can watch the local ads of different brands. Through this device, the advertisement’s sponsors can bring the attention of a captive audience.

It's a nice idea if passengers see something inside the auto rickshaw because people get tired of traffic jams. They can pass the time by watching different ads and some engaging videos.

Many individuals in Indore spend 15 to 20 minutes on an auto rickshaw each day. "No other form of media can hold a passenger's interest for 15 to 20 minutes."

Rickshawpedia: First Auto Rickshaw Audio Visual Advertising Company in Indore

Rickshawpedia is the one of the top businesses for audio-visual advertising inside the auto rickshaws. In Indore, where we recently launched our new concept, we have already served a wide range of clients, from small and medium-sized enterprises to major corporations. With our very own cutting-edge facility where we produce videos for your brand or services with the help of our skilled video editors, we are a provider of advertisement services, giving us an advantage over our rivals in terms of the pricing that we can offer as well as the timeline in which we can deliver. Regardless of how far away you are from Indore, we can take on and complete your project at your doorstep thanks to our extensive service network. We have previously carried out a number of branding and advertising projects with success.

How Auto-Rickshaw Video Advertising Helps In Branding: Read more

Why Choose Us

Rickshawpedia is the top advertising agency in Indore, offering our clients the fastest, highest-quality services at the most affordable prices. Our experience in auto rickshaw audio visual advertising together with our in-house video creation and a vast network of service and execution team provides you the greatest value of your money as well as absolute peace of mind throughout the life-cycle.

Benefits Of Auto Rickshaw Video Ads

  • The most efficient way to communicate with everyone.
  • A reasonable and less expensive method of outdoor advertising.
  • More viewers per km in every direction.
  • When compared to other outdoor media, this is cheap advertising.

The best returns on investment are achieved when the greatest number of individuals view your advertisement. This is due to the fact that an auto rickshaw typically travels between 90 and 110 km every day.

Compared to other outdoor media like displays, banners, and hoardings, there is more visibility. In the advertisement that is visible on the auto rickshaws, specific information can be included.

Contact Rickshawpedia for promoting your brand or spreading your message with auto rickshaw video advertisements in Indore.